
Recipe Terminology:

PathFinding Terminology:

  • cost : How much is it going to cost the pather to walk through this cell

  • weight_array : a finalized grid(with added cost) passed to plotting

  • the optimal cost will be 1,

  • the worst cost would be numpy.inf (for non pathable cells)

you should keep that in mind if you want to create a complex influence map with different weights

Be sure to check out for example bot usage with some handy debug methods

Building Grid - Recipes

Find wall off building positions in a Region

>>> my_base_raw_location =[0].position
>>> my_region = self.where_all(my_base_raw_location)[0]
>>> my_region
Region 3
>>> # in most cases  region will have only one ramp,  but there are cases of more than one
>>> # my_region.region_ramps will evaluate to ~ [<MDRamp[size=33] [Region 3, Region 5]>, <MDRamp[size=58] [Region 3, Region 0]>]

>>> my_region.region_ramps.sort(key=lambda r: r.area)
>>> my_region_ramp = my_region.region_ramps[0]
>>> # my_region_ramp ~  <MDRamp[size=58] [Region 0, Region 3]>
>>> # my_region_ramp.buildables ~ <MapAnalyzer.Polygon.Buildables object at 0x...>

>>> # you can also see that these buildable points only belong
>>> # to this specific Polygon, in our case MDRamp

>>> # my_region_ramp.buildables.polygon ~ <MDRamp[size=58] [Region 3, Region 0]>

>>> # low buildable percent makes sense, most of the ramp's Polygon is not buildable
>>> # my_region_ramp.buildables.free_pct ~ 0.22413793103448276

>>> # finally,  the buildable points,  which are the ramp wall-off positions
>>> my_region_ramp.buildables.points # finally,  the buildable points,  which are the ramp wall-off positions
[(42, 43), (46, 47), (44, 45), (47, 38), (49, 40), (41, 42), (43, 44), (48, 39), (46, 37), (45, 46), (41, 41), (50, 41), (46, 46)]

>>> # lets plot those buildable points
>>> x,y = zip(*my_region_ramp.buildables.points)
>>> # self.debugger.scatter(x,y,color="red",marker=r"$\heartsuit$", s=500, edgecolors="r")
>>> #

Hmm, it seems that these points look like they are the upper and lower end of a ramp, lets make sure:

>>> # the perimeter is red by default so we will
>>> # also,  lets change the heart suit to a simple Star marker and remove the edge color
>>> self.debugger.scatter(x,y,color="purple",marker='*', s=500)
>>> my_region.plot()
>>> #

Indices and tables